Today, most real football activity was halted due to the school switching out the old computers and replacing them with newer models.  The IT department came and took all the computers in the office around 11 am and failed to bring over the new ones by 5 pm.  So in order to pass time, I was sent on the mission to make sure returning players had the correct color and numbered practice jersey and had to count all the practice jerseys we have for incoming players.  Our equipment room is located under the bleachers and is not as air conditioned as the offices.  With temperatures over 100 today, it made counting jerseys a very hot job.  Once I had all the jerseys inventoried, I had to make a list of all the jerseys we need to buy for both the offense and the defense.  When I completed that task, I studied my playbook and ran miscellaneous errands for other coaches.  Then came by pop quiz, given by the defensive coordinator and safeties coach.  I was asked to draw formations on the dry erase board and then describe the duties of the secondary based on the coverage he asked me.  I also had to know any checks that were needed to be made based on the offense's formation.  I was doing really well until I was asked about the checks in our man-free coverage.  I knew the checks but was overthinking everything and confused a couple with a different coverage.  Needless to say, the defensive coordinator was not very happy about it.  After I was done with my quiz, I went right back to studying my playbook and memorizing the checks for each coverage because I felt like an idiot for not knowing two of the three checks.  Next time I am quizzed, I will make sure

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